My work pal had the
excellent idea of going for an after-work milkshake in the sun today. So we
wandered over to Issy’s Milky Way, which you will find down Camden Passage in
Angel – just follow the scent of peanut butter and Brylcreem (the owner has a
proper teddy boy quiff). It’s a Fifties-inspired Formica-tabled little café
that sells Elvis cupcakes and plays old movies, with knick-knacks and American
sweeties dotted all over the place. I tried the banana, peanut butter and
chocolate shake and it was just excellent, though a little pricey at £3.70. Brill
for a one-off visit, and perfect when consumed on Islington Green in the
sunshine. If it had been a bit cheaper I could see it becoming a regular. Yum.
Brixpig x
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